1. How you are born does not depend on you
and us, trees are several kinds. Willows seem sad, oak powerful, maple proud, but each and every one of them has the same potential and is unique in his own way. Use your own skills and learn new ones
2. Find your energy and inner strength
we use it in winter, when it is cold and the snow bends our branches
3. Be flexible
if a tree would remain rigid, the branches would break, that`s why we move along with the wind, then go back to our original position and be more powerful
4. Enjoy rainy season
not only will you appreciate the sun more, but you will grow beautiful
5. There is no ugly tree
only eyes which look without seeing
6. Evolve in your own pace and enjoy the way you grow
us, trees don't look envious to others, that are larger or more powerful. We only rejoice every day, with each green leaf.
7. Take a part of others' worries and pessimism
and transform them into positive energy, then give it to them, like a breath of fresh air
8. Nothing lasts
We always have new growing twigs and leaves, but we do not cry after each yellowed leaf, but we rejoice in what we have
9. Powerful roots help you every time
do not forget where you started and what lessons you learned in the course of growing
10. Sometimes life can seem tough or sad
do not give up then! However great it seems the storm outside, roots remain strong and you may soon see the sun shining
11. Be grateful every day!
A tree does not forget that. When the sun rises, when kids play beside him, where the birds find sanctuary and sing on the branches of the top, us trees, as a sign of gratitude, flourish
12. Give up the fear!
If the trees would be fearful, they would stay with old and decayed leaves, but they have the courage to let them go and to accept new ones
13. After a heavy and moody winter, spring comes
Always. So do not worry so much
14. Love!
For us there is no tree worthy of being loved or not. Each one has something that makes it unique and we do not get frustrated because of its kind, color or roots, so that we love each of us and we form together beautiful forests, parks and many other areas on which you have not been able to see before because of your worries
15. Your reality is not the only existent, so listen others' truth
a tree does not say "All the leaves should be green." If it would say that, it would ignore all the other gorgeous varieties, with red leaves, orange and many other important and wonderful ways in which it is different
16. The universe means abundance
a tree never asks if heat will come, if it will manage to survive the cold and how it will grow back the leaves. He knows that these things will come naturally
17. All you have is the present moment
no matter how beautiful or painful it is. Choose to savor it, for it will not come back
18. Cease to think that things are difficult
a tree does not say "I can`t flourish. This year I do not want to be fertile! It is too hard, painful and uncomfortable!" Simply do it, with confidence and ease
19. Do not wait for happiness, choose it!
Have you heard of any tree saying "If I had been with 5 meters to the right and with 20 cm taller, I would be happy?" We do not say that because we understand that we can choose happiness in the present time, in the place in which we are, with the resources that we have
20. Aim high, enjoying what you are doing now
all the time you will have more to learn and more to do in order to become greater, more powerful, more beautiful
21. Stop comparing yourself to others
It does not matter that some of the trees have red leaves, and that certain people prefer those. I am of another variety, but this year I have the most beautiful leaves yet, a tender green
22. Let yourself be embraced
That’s how you can receive a piece of energy and love, by giving in exchange the same thing or anything you want
23. Real power means vulnerability
although is not always obvious, no tree is perfect. Sometimes people hurt us, and sometimes we feel tired after snow has fallen on our branches or simply, we are easy to bend in places, but we do not hide it. We dare to show ourselves naked and vulnerable
24. Bring value in the lives of others through who you are
as I am a tree, I am glad when people seek shelter under my shadow and I have a willow as a friend, who admires lovers, who gaze melancholically at her branches.
25. Notice how each leaf, has a different shade of green
apply it in your life and it will change radically
26. Admire what is around you
Even us trees show off our leaves with admiration, when we see beautiful, happy and bold people
27. Have faith in yourself!
If nature can be so perfect and abundant, how can you think that you could be any different?
28. Forgive
although sometimes it upsets me when I see people who will destroy the nature or throw garbage on the ground, I know it is in my power to become stronger. They do not know any better. However you are a person and you can make a change in this aspect. Forgive , then decide how you want to act. in all aspects of your life.
29. Be responsible!
If we were to put the blame on the hot summer days and the harsh winter what will it solve ? We focus only on what we can do.
30. The right time is now!
We do not wait for the right season, but create the proper moment. To grow. Apply this in your life and give up procrastinating. You as a man have even more possibilities.
31. Give up the past
it seems to me absurd for a tree to think about the heavy winter of 2008, instead of enjoying the beautiful spring of 2013.
The same goes with humans
32. Be yourself always
give up the masks. Have you seen any tree lying that it is of a different kind only to be appreciated? There is no need for that. We draw near us, people who resonate with what we truly are
33. Be a bit selfish, until you will find the strength to give
autumn, thanks to your dance, the wind seems to be more powerful and the people avoid to sit next to us. If it is a storm, they are afraid we don't fall on them. But if we remain straight just for the sake of them, we would break. So understand that sometimes it is necessary to drive you a little away for us to be able to give more later.
34. Do not be angry with the faults you observe in others, for they are your mirror
I have a tree friend, that lies beside a lake. It has many imperfections. It has crooked posture, leaves are fewer and the branches are small and erratic. All this is reflected in the lake in front of him, but never did I hear him being upset on the water as it shows both his qualities and faults
35. Look inside
I am amused how you people, want to open gates that can be opened only from the inside. If your life is not how you would like it to be, look at the roots, in your inside and at your beliefs
36. I do not know whether somebody already told you, but us trees, we maintain a power reserve inside of us in the sunny periods, which we use in the winter
It would be a good idea for you to consider making decisions on the long term
37. Dare to shine your true worth
it doesn’t when we are growing leaves, it is a celebration
38. No matter how dark it seems, look up
There will always be stars to light up your way. And no, you are not alone
39. Enrich the lives of others without waiting for anything in return
Have you heard any tree saying "You owe me!"?
40. Enjoy the sun, but do not remain in the comfort zone during the warm periods
Do not wait for the wind to put you in motion. Continue to grow by yourself anyway
41. Dare to aim high
many times when we see the moon in the sky, we reach out to her. We may never get there, or maybe we will. Whatever it is, something nice awaits us. The same goes for you. Life rewards daring people
42. It does not matter how old you are, but the life you've lived
also experience is not about old age, but in lessons learned. You can thrive irrespective of the age which you celebrate year by year
43. Cease to wonder whether there is life beyond death
it is more important how much life exist before the death. Us trees do everything in our power to live and deliver value as long as we are here
44. Trees do not need acknowledgments and recognitions
it would really be something if we fought among ourselves and ask the other trees to tell us that we are beautiful and the leaves and stem are perfect. Look at yourself in the mirror (or in the lake, if you prefer) and find by yourself those parts of you which you love. Stop judging yourself. You are great!
45. Listen to music
trees love music. And when it seems too quiet, we delight our leaves with nature sounds. This brings us joy and peace. Open the window early in the morning and you will understand what mean
46. Whatever happens, no matter how you are hit, damaged or let down by life, do not forget that you have the same value and power to continue to grow
or what? Do you still think that if the wind last year distrusted least, are no longer a perfect and strong?
47. One day, a young woman stopped to rest against my stem and read a book
a phrase in her book got my attention "For each leaf of a tree, there is an angel who tell him to grow! Grow!" Hoe lucky you are! Do you realize how many angels you have in your life?
48. Be patient
It can sometimes take years before you can reach the heights you desire, but I can assure you that it is worth it.
49. Give further
You must not seem to be arrogant, upright and unshaken. The oak tree is so powerful because it shares his energy. So help the people who appear along your path
50. Love life
and life will give you the most beautiful gifts. Even in the middle of the storm, a bird, a man or… a falling star may appear